Create an ExplainDev account

Follow this link to create an ExplainDev account. You’ll be asked a few questions then will be sent an email with a credential key. The email will come from [email protected]

Install Chrome Extension

From your Chrome or Brave browser, head to the ExplainDev page in the Chrome web store and click on the Add to Chrome button at the top of the page.

Enter your credentials

Upon install, you will be prompted to log in.

Enter your email address and authentication key sent to you in your confirmation email.

Note: If you have exited the page prompting you to log in, you can go to the puzzle piece (seen below) in the top right corner of your browser. Click on the ExplainDev extension, then click on the Sign in link in the pop-up.

Configure preferences


Today, ExplainDev on VS Code has two configuration options: Language and Level. You also have an option for removing the Explain option that appears when ExplainDev detects code blocks.


Select your preferred language for all explanations. Your options are:


The amount of technical language included in explanations is determined by the Level customization. Complexity (not verbosity) of explanations can be set to: