After installing, you will be able to generate explanations for the code you see in websites on your browser. All explanations are short, so for more details on specific lines or syntax, the best practice is to type in a follow up question, or select a smaller section of code.

How to use

1. Select code you want explained

There are 3 ways to get explanations with ExplainDev:

  1. Click on the Explain option that appears in the top right corner of code blocks detected by ExplainDev. This will explain the entire code block.
  2. Select a portion of code and click on the explain selection option
  3. Select code and right-click. Choose the Explain code option in your right-click menu.

2. Ask follow up questions

At the top of the side bar is a search box. Type in questions here and hit Enter to get direct answers.

About follow up questions

Any code that you select will be used as context for answers generated by ExplainDev. ExplainDev generates some pre-populated questions and answers to help provide useful information in support of the initial explanation. Click on the pre-populated questions with grey backgrounds to see their answers.